Shattered Tables

Shattered Tables
Material: Serpentino Green Marble

Leftover shattered marble pieces turned into functional coffee tables. In order to make one, few straight cuts were made onto the marble pieces, then the broken edge was slightly softened for safety.

This design is going back to the most simplest way of constructing a furniture piece and is looking at prehistoric periods. The ‘Sepentino’ green marble used is opaque, accentuating the imperfections and rendering it even more materic.

Designer: Daniel Nikolovski, Simone Marchetti
Materials: Serpentino Green Marble
Dimensions (maxi): W97 x D53 x H32 cm
Dimensions (mini): W68 x D40 x 27 cm

Shattered Table Mini
Material: Serpentino Green Marble
Dimensions (cm): W68 x D40 x 27

Shattered Table Maxi
Material: Serpentino Green Marble
Dimensions (cm): W97 x D53 x H32


Above Shattered Table Maxi

Above Shattered Table Maxi
Above Shattered Table Mini
Photographer: Christian Kondic. Creative Direction: Daniele Carlini